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Our Intent:

We want to create independent learners, who approach mathematics with resilience and ambition. We look to equip them with problem solving skills which will prepare them for their future.

During the five-year course we ensure that students are proficient in the core mathematical topics as laid out by the DfE Mathematical Guidance document and outlined in our curriculum maps.

Delivered following a mastery methodology, with built in cross topic problem solving weaved through out the five-year journey, to give student opportunities to retrieve and apply past knowledge. The retrieval of key facts will also be in every lesson through ‘Do Now!’ starter tasks. Use of tier three Mathematical language will play a key role within students learning to ensure understanding and reduce misconceptions.

The mastery program is supported by targeted key skill lessons, which are both year group appropriate and ability appropriate. These sessions will include a mix of recovery interventions, investigative extensions, and core number skills, dependent on the group's needs.

By building throughout the curriculum appropriate extend and challenge tasks, we intend to produce learners that are ambitious and resilient in their approach to mathematics. This will be further supported by wider curriculum opportunities, such as UK Maths challenges.

With structured use of non-directed teaching time to complete spaced retrieval tasks and low-stakes testing, we aim to produce students who are strong independent learners. These independent learners will be further supported though a range of available self-study material, both online and physical, which students will be guided to for reflective learning.

In addition to these low stakes testing regular formal assessments will take place to give students opportunities to further reflect on their learn and inform teachers of students' progress.